Difitnah Ibu Mertua, Wanita Ini Terpaksa Rela Dipoligami Suaminya
Family Attractions Near Kendal Hotels
Never ending fun for all the family after booking a holiday near Kendal hotels
Whisk your family away from school, college and work as you take them on a wonderful holiday to Kendal in the picturesque Cumbria and the Lake District. Stay in a comfortable hotel with easy access to all the main attractions and indulge in the impeccable dining and other service facilities near Kendal hotels. Whether it is wide, open spaces, culture or wildlife that your family enjoys, you can plan your perfect holiday with our suggestions here:
The World of Beatrix Potter
Children will love unveiling the magic behind the stories of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck when you take them to this attraction near Kendal hotels. All the family will love roaming in a beautiful countryside location filled with its spectacular sounds and smells. During the day, you can learn more about the fascinating Ms. Potter through three - dimensional installations while in the afternoon, one can whet their appetite in the Tailor of Gloucester Tearoom. If Renee Zellweger thinks that it is a 'distinctive local landmark', then so should you!
The National Park Visitor Centre, Windermere
This centre opened in 1969 and its beautiful terraced gardens stretch all the way down to the Windermere shore near Kendal hotels. If your family is inclined to do so, they can indulge in a guided tour around these 30 acres of landscaped grounds with the head gardener so that you can get a detailed view of the stunning surroundings. You could also prepare a picnic to enjoy by the shore while children could learn more about the fascinating Lake District inside the centre. There are films and exhibitions. Those who are more comfortable outdoors will enjoy a spot of kayaking or sailing at Brockhole. Visitors can also take part in croquet!
Keswick Launch Cruise, Cumbria
The Keswick Launch Company organises cruises along the Derwentwater Lake. These cruises last for around 50 minutes and leaves from the starting point at regular intervals. Individuals can stop at Ashness Gate, Lodore, High Brandelhow. Low Brandelhow, Hawes End and Nichol End. Lodore is infamous for its waterfall which looks majestic after rainfall and is a treat for children to see. High Brandelhow is a creation of the National Trust in the Lake District and is wonderful for peaceful walk. Individuals can also enjoy guided evening cruises which include a glass of wine or a non-alcoholic drink.
Grid.ID - Menikah adalah salah satu impian terbesar bagi semua orang.
Khususnya bagi wanita.
Family Attractions Near Kendal Hotels
Never ending fun for all the family after booking a holiday near Kendal hotels
Whisk your family away from school, college and work as you take them on a wonderful holiday to Kendal in the picturesque Cumbria and the Lake District. Stay in a comfortable hotel with easy access to all the main attractions and indulge in the impeccable dining and other service facilities near Kendal hotels. Whether it is wide, open spaces, culture or wildlife that your family enjoys, you can plan your perfect holiday with our suggestions here:
The World of Beatrix Potter
Children will love unveiling the magic behind the stories of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck when you take them to this attraction near Kendal hotels. All the family will love roaming in a beautiful countryside location filled with its spectacular sounds and smells. During the day, you can learn more about the fascinating Ms. Potter through three - dimensional installations while in the afternoon, one can whet their appetite in the Tailor of Gloucester Tearoom. If Renee Zellweger thinks that it is a 'distinctive local landmark', then so should you!
The National Park Visitor Centre, Windermere
This centre opened in 1969 and its beautiful terraced gardens stretch all the way down to the Windermere shore near Kendal hotels. If your family is inclined to do so, they can indulge in a guided tour around these 30 acres of landscaped grounds with the head gardener so that you can get a detailed view of the stunning surroundings. You could also prepare a picnic to enjoy by the shore while children could learn more about the fascinating Lake District inside the centre. There are films and exhibitions. Those who are more comfortable outdoors will enjoy a spot of kayaking or sailing at Brockhole. Visitors can also take part in croquet!
Keswick Launch Cruise, Cumbria
The Keswick Launch Company organises cruises along the Derwentwater Lake. These cruises last for around 50 minutes and leaves from the starting point at regular intervals. Individuals can stop at Ashness Gate, Lodore, High Brandelhow. Low Brandelhow, Hawes End and Nichol End. Lodore is infamous for its waterfall which looks majestic after rainfall and is a treat for children to see. High Brandelhow is a creation of the National Trust in the Lake District and is wonderful for peaceful walk. Individuals can also enjoy guided evening cruises which include a glass of wine or a non-alcoholic drink.
Bahkan, wanita telah mempunyai impian tentang konsep pernikahannya.
Sejak mereka masih belia.
Bagi wanita, pernikahan adalah sesuatu yang istimewa.
Tentu semua wanita hanya mengingingkan menikah sekali dalam hidupnya.
Tapi bagaimana jika harus mau dipoligami?
Tentu akan sangat menyiksa batin.
Seperti halnya yang dialami seorang wanita satu ini.
Dilansir Grid.ID dari akun Facebook Lidya Pandan Sari mengunggah sebuah postingan pada 31 Mei 2018.
Family Attractions Near Kendal Hotels
Never ending fun for all the family after booking a holiday near Kendal hotels
Whisk your family away from school, college and work as you take them on a wonderful holiday to Kendal in the picturesque Cumbria and the Lake District. Stay in a comfortable hotel with easy access to all the main attractions and indulge in the impeccable dining and other service facilities near Kendal hotels. Whether it is wide, open spaces, culture or wildlife that your family enjoys, you can plan your perfect holiday with our suggestions here:
The World of Beatrix Potter
Children will love unveiling the magic behind the stories of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck when you take them to this attraction near Kendal hotels. All the family will love roaming in a beautiful countryside location filled with its spectacular sounds and smells. During the day, you can learn more about the fascinating Ms. Potter through three - dimensional installations while in the afternoon, one can whet their appetite in the Tailor of Gloucester Tearoom. If Renee Zellweger thinks that it is a 'distinctive local landmark', then so should you!
The National Park Visitor Centre, Windermere
This centre opened in 1969 and its beautiful terraced gardens stretch all the way down to the Windermere shore near Kendal hotels. If your family is inclined to do so, they can indulge in a guided tour around these 30 acres of landscaped grounds with the head gardener so that you can get a detailed view of the stunning surroundings. You could also prepare a picnic to enjoy by the shore while children could learn more about the fascinating Lake District inside the centre. There are films and exhibitions. Those who are more comfortable outdoors will enjoy a spot of kayaking or sailing at Brockhole. Visitors can also take part in croquet!
Keswick Launch Cruise, Cumbria
The Keswick Launch Company organises cruises along the Derwentwater Lake. These cruises last for around 50 minutes and leaves from the starting point at regular intervals. Individuals can stop at Ashness Gate, Lodore, High Brandelhow. Low Brandelhow, Hawes End and Nichol End. Lodore is infamous for its waterfall which looks majestic after rainfall and is a treat for children to see. High Brandelhow is a creation of the National Trust in the Lake District and is wonderful for peaceful walk. Individuals can also enjoy guided evening cruises which include a glass of wine or a non-alcoholic drink.
Lidya menulis bahwa ia dan suaminya baru saja menikah pada 10 Januari 2018.
Tapi malang bagi Lidya, selang waktu satu bulan, sang suami menikah lagi dengan wanita lain.
Pernikahan kedua suaminya terjadi pada 21 Februari 2018.
Lidya harus rela dimadu dengan wanita lain.
Pilu yang dirasakan Lidya ia curahkan dalam cerita panjang di akun Facebooknya.
Ia merasa hancur dan tersakiti.
Namun itu semua belum seberapa hingga akhirnya Lidya menyebutkan bahwa yang menikahkan suaminya dengan wanita lain itu adalah sang ibu mertua.
Lidya bahkan tak habis pikir.
Ia mempertanyakan tanggungjawab suami dan ibu mertua terhadap institusi pernikahan yang sakral.
Tak hanya itu, lidya juga menyebutkan bahwa ibu mertuanya telah tega memfitnah dirinya.
Lidya mengatakan ibu mertuanya berbohong menyebutkan perjodohan antara sang suami dengan istri keduanya.
Bahkan, ibu mertuanya kabarnya tak mengaku bahwa Lidya telah menikah dengan anak kandungnya
Ibu mertua Lidya juga disebut memaksanya untuk tanda tangan pemberian hak poligami pada suaminya.
Dengan terpaksa Lidyapun harus menandatanganinya.
Karena jika ia menolak, maka suaminya tak bisa dipertemukan dan dijauhkan dari Lidya.
Lidya juga heran dengan keluarga istri kedua suaminya.
Ia merasa keluarga istri kedua sang suami tak punya malu mendukung anaknya merusak rumah tangga orang lain.
Di akhir curhatannya, Lidya menulis, "surga suami di Ibu kandungnya, tetapi suami tidak akan masuk surga jika melalaikan dan melantarkan seolah tak ada tanggung jawab ke istri nya, percayalah".
Sumber: Grid.id
Family Attractions Near Kendal Hotels
Never ending fun for all the family after booking a holiday near Kendal hotels
Whisk your family away from school, college and work as you take them on a wonderful holiday to Kendal in the picturesque Cumbria and the Lake District. Stay in a comfortable hotel with easy access to all the main attractions and indulge in the impeccable dining and other service facilities near Kendal hotels. Whether it is wide, open spaces, culture or wildlife that your family enjoys, you can plan your perfect holiday with our suggestions here:
The World of Beatrix Potter
Children will love unveiling the magic behind the stories of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle-Duck when you take them to this attraction near Kendal hotels. All the family will love roaming in a beautiful countryside location filled with its spectacular sounds and smells. During the day, you can learn more about the fascinating Ms. Potter through three - dimensional installations while in the afternoon, one can whet their appetite in the Tailor of Gloucester Tearoom. If Renee Zellweger thinks that it is a 'distinctive local landmark', then so should you!
The National Park Visitor Centre, Windermere
This centre opened in 1969 and its beautiful terraced gardens stretch all the way down to the Windermere shore near Kendal hotels. If your family is inclined to do so, they can indulge in a guided tour around these 30 acres of landscaped grounds with the head gardener so that you can get a detailed view of the stunning surroundings. You could also prepare a picnic to enjoy by the shore while children could learn more about the fascinating Lake District inside the centre. There are films and exhibitions. Those who are more comfortable outdoors will enjoy a spot of kayaking or sailing at Brockhole. Visitors can also take part in croquet!
Keswick Launch Cruise, Cumbria
The Keswick Launch Company organises cruises along the Derwentwater Lake. These cruises last for around 50 minutes and leaves from the starting point at regular intervals. Individuals can stop at Ashness Gate, Lodore, High Brandelhow. Low Brandelhow, Hawes End and Nichol End. Lodore is infamous for its waterfall which looks majestic after rainfall and is a treat for children to see. High Brandelhow is a creation of the National Trust in the Lake District and is wonderful for peaceful walk. Individuals can also enjoy guided evening cruises which include a glass of wine or a non-alcoholic drink.
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