Jangan Takut Miskin Karena Menikah, Inilah Janji Allah Bagi Kamu yang Berani Menikah

Mesothelioma is directly linked to exposure to a combination of six minerals made from long, thin fibers called asbestos. Asbestos is a group of minerals that occur naturally. They exist as fibers or bundles. These fibers may be found in soil or rocks and exist in many parts of the world naturally. Asbestos is made of silicon, oxygen and some other elements. Asbestos is used in a range of products, especially building materials, including siding, floor tiles, ceiling materials, and roof shingles. Its presence is also found in friction products, such as brake parts, as well as heat-resistant fabrics, packaging, coatings, and gaskets. It was often used in the past to insulate products and buildings and make them soundproof or fireproof. When asbestos products are installed, repaired, or demolished, the fibers can become airborne. They can then be inhaled or swallowed and become permanently lodged in the lungs, for decades in some cases. Other organs can also be affected. Mesothelioma can develop from these fibers.
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