Inilah Cemburu yang Benar Dalam Islam, Bahkan Bisa Berbuah Surga

Who is at risk? The likelihood of developing mesothelioma is directly proportional to the length of exposure to asbestos, and how much a person inhaled. People in jobs with high exposure, such as on construction sites, steel mills, or power plants, have the highest risk of developing the disease. Even family members who have never entered an asbestos-rich environment can be exposed. Workers exposed to asbestos can accidentally carry fibers home in their clothing, and become inhaled by other members of the household. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that approximately 125 million people globally were exposed to asbestos at work in 2005, despite their employers having known about the link to cancer and other lung diseases for over six decades. Most work-related exposure today occurs in developing nations. In much rarer cases, mesothelioma may be linked to: irradiation inhalation of fibrous silicates such as erionite, zeolite and intrapleural thorium dioxide
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